Jensen's device

Jensen's device is a computing technique which exploits quirks of call-by-name (ALGOL 60 style, not the other one, see call-by-name vs. call-by-name for more details) and internal side-effects (see on impurity (and Haskell) for details).

The following is pseudo ALGOL 60 (assume that all arguments are passed by name):

real procedure Sum(int id_var, int from, int to, real expr) begin real s := 0; for id_var := from step 1 until to do s := s + expr; Sum := s; end; # <insert definition of array V here> Sum(i, 1, 100, V[i]); # Sum of the first 100 items of array V

We can evaluate the function call by replacing each occurrence of the arguments in the body by the appropriate input. Indeed, call-by-name behaves just like call-by-macro in the above (this is not the case in general; see call-by-macro vs. call-by-name for details).

real procedure Sum(id_var = i, from = 1, to = 100, expr = V[i]) begin real s := 0; for id_var i := from 1 step 1 until to 100 do s := s + expr V[i]; Sum := s; end;

The core of the trick is that expr can reference id_var (and that id_var is treated as a variable name and not as a value).
