About your gracious host

In short

My whereabouts

PhD student at SUSHI (Inria/CentraleSupélec in Rennes, with co-tutoring from ANSSI), working on the formalization of security mechanisms for the RISC-V instruction set architecture.

My interests

Formal logic and automated proofs, programming languages, hardware and operating systems.

Online profiles


My name is Matthieu Baty.
My email address is <insert_my_gitlab_username>@protonmail.com.


CentraleSupélec — 2021–2024

Teaching assistant for the compilers and formal methods courses of the INFOSEC degree (cybersecurity).

EPFL, SYSTEMF lab — 2023, six months, PhD project student

Worked on Coq's support for partial interpretation, under the supervision of Clément Pit-Claudel. See my report.

ANSSI — 2020, six months, fifth year internship

Worked with OCaml, POSIX, Coq (and FreeSpec!), survived a global pandemic. Two realisations:

Fridata — 2018, three months, third year internship

Worked on the development of a radio-tracking system for small animals (e.g. bats) with R/Shiny, in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.


2021–2024 — CentraleSupélec/Inria (SUSHI team) — PhD

Formal methods and hardware

2015–2020 — University of Strasbourg — MSc in Computer Science

Computer graphics