About your gracious host
In short
My whereabouts
PhD student at SUSHI
in Rennes, with co-tutoring from
ANSSI), working on the formalization
of security mechanisms for the RISC-V instruction set architecture.
My interests
Formal logic and automated proofs, programming languages, hardware and
operating systems.
Online profiles
My name is Matthieu Baty.
Teaching assistant for the compilers and formal methods courses of the
INFOSEC degree (cybersecurity).
2020, six months, fifth year internship
Worked with OCaml, POSIX, Coq (and
FreeSpec!), survived a
global pandemic.
Two realisations:
a structured documentation of the C standard library introduced in the
POSIX standard
an extension of the FreeSpec standard library to bring POSIX primitives
into Coq
Fridata —
2018, three months, third year internship
Worked on the development of a radio-tracking system for small animals
(e.g. bats) with R/Shiny, in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
Formal methods and hardware
Awards and achievements
Party zone